Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Autistic Children: The Role of Pediatric Occupational Therapy Clinics

Early intervention for autism is crucial in ensuring better mental health outcomes for children. Pediatric occupational therapists have a critical role in addressing the mental health requirements of autistic children.


This post is a summary of the key points of the article “Autism and Mental Health: The Role of Occupational Therapy,” which was published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy.


Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Autistic Children


The Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model provides a framework for understanding the mental health needs of autistic children. Personal factors, environmental factors, and occupations are related to the mental health of autistic children.


Personal factors, such as individual traits, experiences, pain, and sensory processing, can impact the mental health of autistic children. Factors, such as physical and social environments, also play a role, such as family life and how a child interacts with their peers, both autistic and non-autistic. Finally, meaningful participation in daily occupations can contribute to positive mental health outcomes.


Occupational Therapy Interventions for Autistic Children


Pediatric occupational therapists can use the PEO model to develop interventions to support the mental health and well-being of autistic children. By looking at factors such as environmental changes, education, family involvement, and self-care, occupational therapists can support the mental health of autistic children.


Collaboration with interdisciplinary teams and involving autistic children in the research process can enhance education and practice in occupational therapy. It's also important for the occupational therapist to work with families and others involved in the child's day-to-day life to address the child's physical, emotional, and social needs.



The Importance of Occupational Therapists in Supporting Autistic Children's Mental Health


Pediatric occupational therapists play a crucial role in addressing the mental health needs of autistic children. By understanding the complex interactions between personal factors, environmental factors, and daily occupations, occupational therapy practitioners can develop interventions that support the mental health and well-being of autistic children. By collaborating with interdisciplinary teams and involving autistic children in the research process, we can continue to improve education and practice in occupational therapy and reduce the risk of mental health challenges for autistic children.

  • Kirby, A. V., Morgan, L., and Hilton, C. "Guest Editorial—Autism and Mental Health: The Role of Occupational Therapy." American Journal of Occupational Therapy 77 (2023): 7702170010. Accessed May 17, 2023.

Vicky Moroz

Vicky works closely with a group of EJ’s therapists to curate helpful content geared towards parent education and research-based writing.


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